Thursday, September 30, 2010

Zonal Centre - Western Zone

Two of the zonal centre's for the western zone - PMIASE Sambalpur and DIET Sambalpur were inaugurated by the Hon'ble Minister, School and Mass Education, Pratap Jena on the 27th of September 2010.
 Dr. Parsuram Mishra Institute of Advance Studies in Education, Sambalpur and DIET Sambalpur- the two centers in western zone, will serve as training centers for 30 Schools of  Sambalpur and Bargarh districts. 90 teachers from 8 secondary schools of Sambalpur & Bargarh districts and 6 Upper Primary schools of Sambalpur district will undergo training in zonal centre in PMIASE. 98 teachers from 16 Upper Primary schools of Sambalpur & Bargarh districts will undergo training in DIET, Sambalpur. The teachers will undergo extensive training on techno-pedagogy, as part of a 18 day training module.
The Hon'ble Minister was upbeat as regards the training on techno-pedagogy to be conducted by AIFT for the teachers of the selected schools and its critical role in furthering the cause of effective use of technology in teaching. Both the events were attended by the local cognoscenti and received extensive media coverage. The training in both the centre's are scheduled to start from the 25th of October 10. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the secret

When you experience Planet Earth, the positive vibration of your energy will emanate out like a stone thrown into water, touching our planet and every living thing on it. As you rise higher, you take the world with you. From The Secret to you, here is Planet Earth - our home.

The magnificent music was composed and graciously gifted for this clip by composer Jo Blankenburg.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Sensitization Workshops

Sensitization workshops were held in Sambalpur (Parshuram Mishrs Institute of Advance Studies in Education) and Cuttack (Radha Nath Institute of Advance Studies in Education), respectively as part of the DE Resource Centre Training Model, on the 21st and 22nd of September respectively. Apart from the headmaster's all the important district level functionaries, attended the workshops. The workshops were in line with the proposed three workshops, planned to be held as part of the unfolding of the new model, to sensitize the participants on what the new model is all about, their roles and responsibilities as part of the changed model and last but not the least understanding the importance of effective and appropriate integration of technology in teaching.