Saturday, September 24, 2011

DE Resource Group Meeting

A DE resource Group Meeting was held in RNIASE Cuttack on the 16th of August. 11 teachers attended the meeting. A similar meeting was held in DPIASE, Berhampur, on the 10th of September 2011 and 7 teachers attended the meeting. In both the cases the teachers, were selected from  the Secondary and Upper Primary Schools, based on their performance, on the output indicators. The basic objective behind having these meetings is to motivate the star performers and provide them with that extra touch - in the form of additional resources, softwares etc. which will help them in becoming leaders as far as technology integration in teaching learning is concerned, in their specific districts. They will be those identified group of resource persons, who can be used by the government, while planning any ICT related programs in the state or the district as such. They can be easily a part of any state team engaged in designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating ICT  interventions.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

DE Team Outing

Recently the Orissa DE Team had an outing and visited Kenduli, the birthplace of Jayadeva, the famous poet and author of "Geeta Govinda." 

Kenduli is located at a distance of 25 kms from Bhubaneshwar, and the drive is through exquisite natural surroundings. For around 10 kms the drive is alongside River Kuakhai.