Tuesday, April 17, 2012

DE Demonstration Workshop

A "Demonstration Workshop," was held on the 2nd of March, 2012, in the conference hall of the School and Mass Education Dept. The meeting was chaired by the Hon'ble Minister School and Mass Education. All the other senior departmental officials were present including the Principal Secretary. A lot of background work had gone into the preparation of this workshop and it did pay off. Nine teachers were selected from the 6 districts, were we are currently operational. These teachers were selected on the basis of their performance on the output indicators at the school level. All the selected teachers are members of the resource group and as such are leaders in effectively and appropriately integrating technology in teaching learning at the school level. I was delighted to watch an excellent presentation on the "Human Eye" prepared by one of the teachers. This was an example of an excellent teaching aid which was well designed and completely covering the topic from all angles. The most gratifying part was that the teacher was able to confidently and satisfactorily answer all the questions posed by the Minster and the Principal Secretary, related to the program and how the teachers and students were actually benefitting at the school level.
My entire presentation revolved around the core understanding - technology as a pedagogic tool and therefore integrating technology is a pedagogic decision. I hope I have driven home the point and only this can clarify the misconceptions surrounding "DE Program" whereby people label it as a computer aided learning program (CAL) and as such predicated on a grosser misunderstanding that it focuses only on teaching computer fundamentals covering MS Office suite. This is how partial truths begets total errors. On the contrary "DE" is an education program focusing on effective technology integration in teaching learning.
I tried my best to make the program stand right side up. The necessity was evident from the fact that people posed the wrong questions and at worst were at a loss when they saw the videos of classroom transactions - on whether to appreciate or critique as the videos mostly started with a normal classroom transaction, which was interspersed with technology use. People mostly expected to see the use of technology from the very outset.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Review-cum-Refresher / Satpada

A four day review-cum-refresher meeting was held for the DE team members in Satpada. The meeting focused on the following:

Thematic plans
Designing effective teaching aids
Understanding what effective integration of technology in teaching learning means/through demonstration
NCF 2005
Methodology followed in doing projects in DCC schools

Swati Jha, Program Manager, DCC attended the meeting and shared some very interesting projects and assessment rubrics followed in DCC schools. Team members did learn a lot from the interactions and have planned to graft the learnings from DCC into the centralized model currently prevalent here.Especially the discussion on competency mapping for teachers and the rigour with which the processes are adhered to in making student projects proved to be very helpful.
The session on NCF 2005 proved to be a very interesting one and Sangita did a good job in planning out this session. The topics for group discussions and presentations led to some very animated and sometimes heated arguments among participants.Especially the discussion on the curriculum framework proved to be a very interesting one.
Satpada proved to be a very refreshing experience for the team members and it's idyllic setting gave an opportunity for recreation and fun.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Field Trip

I was visiting Sambalpur and Bargarh district sometime back and made it a point to visit some of the schools located in the rural pockets of both the districts. Although as part of the trip we had to negotiate some very difficult terrain but the enthusiasm and motivation to effectively use technology in day to day teaching learning by both the teachers and students made me forget all the hardships. Personally it has been a very satisfying experience for me in that all my hard work and that of my team members in working out a new model is finally showing results at ground zero - the schools. Teachers are upbeat and enthusiastic about the training and kudos to my trainers for that. The monitoring experts are doing an excellent job in hand holding and mentoring especially after an intense training, when teachers require this the most to sustain their motivation levels and prevent them from backsliding given the difficulties at the school level, in terms of workload, infrastructure etc. Studies world over have shown that however good the training unless backed up by effective mentoring, leads to a total washout,in due course of time. Centralized training has really proved to be effective as evidenced by the output at the school level. Teachers are designing excellent teaching aids using technology and this combined with lesson plan and micro-plan is proving to be very effective when combined with collaborative projects, as part of which teachers and students come together to learn through various activities which are planned. Teachers play the role of a facilitator and the students interact amongst themselves and with the teachers in constructing their knowledge related to different hard spots. Groups of students even make a presentation with PowerPoint or otherwise at the end and it was interesting to see the students of some of the rural schools in Bargarh and Sambalpur, breaking their cultural conditioning and finally coming out of their shells to interact and have fun while they learn. I noticed this time and again in most of the schools that I have been visiting spread over all the six districts where we are currently operational at the moment. Collaboration as a teaching strategy is finally working. My interactions with the teachers have shown that teachers still need to understand the fine print that technology integration in teaching learning is a pedagogic decision and get this firmly embedded in their DNA.