Saturday, May 31, 2014

Steve Jobs

Click on the link below to watch one of the most inspirational videos that I have seen - Steve Jobs speech at Stanford.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mid-Line Study DE Program Odisha

We just completed the mid-line study report and it took almost close to two and a half months to shift through the massive amount of data generated as part of the study. The study was administered in February 2014. The results are interesting and extremely motivating for me and my team members. Although I had expected an increase of about 10% in student learning outcomes in mathematics, science and geography the results show an increase in the range 25%-30% in the first year itself. The results have been shared with the School and Mass Education Department, Govt. of Odisha. They are interested in integrating the learnings as part of their mathematics and science module development. The study shows a very strong correlation between the DE methodology (Edukit usage, e-Samdhan, collaborative projects, Flipped Classroom methodology, regular coaching and mentoring of teachers by DE resource persons through regular school visits) and the top three performance areas in science, mathematics and geography in case of treatment I schools which clearly brings to light the impact of the DE Program.
As far as grade VI is concerned there has been a 29% increase in average scores (maths, science and geography combined). Similarly in case of grade VII there has been a 23% increase in average scores (maths, science and geography combined). Click on the link below to access the complete report.