Friday, April 1, 2011

What do the best classrooms in the world look like? - By Amanda Ripley - Slate Magazine

What do he best classrooms in the world look like? Surprisingly they are conservative and not high tech like the American schools loaded with interactive white boards, Mac Laptops, Projectors and other gizmos, bathed in a wi-fi environment. Long school hours and grueling hard work coupled with demanding parents at home have led to better results as seen in the case of Korean classrooms while Finnish schools in particular are just the opposite - nothing like the pressure cooker atmosphere/environment of the South Korean schools. The Finnish kids in fact start a year later than their American counterparts, do less homework on an average and further standardized tests are rare.
Check out the link below for an in interesting article by Amanda Ripley.
What do the best classrooms in the world look like? - By Amanda Ripley - Slate Magazine

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