A sub-group of the core group met recently in Bangalore last month. The meeting was chaired by the Director DE. A number of areas and issues were discussed. The most interesting discussion focused on the o3 project - fully funded by the US Govt and currently being implemented in selected schools of India and Pakistan. The project basically focuses on understanding each others culture with an exchange visit, built in. The most interesting part of the presentation by Roopak, my colleague, who heads this project, was on the methodology to be followed in going about the collaborative projects basically using the Internet and allied technologies. Apart from this the meeting basically focused on quantified targets and process level checks at all levels. Going ahead a detail school visit plan / template, will be worked out for the coordinators across all the states to arrest leakages at the school level, which is the result of a lack of proper planning, non-availability of a contingency plan and absence of crisis management skills as far as the coordinators are concerned.
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