Roopashree Panda, DE Facilitator, Gadadar High School, Puri won the Best ICT coordinator in Orissa. The felicitation was part of the two day workshop on the "Connecting Classroom Program", conducted by the British Council on the 6th and 7th of Nov, in Bhubaneshwar. Since the event attracted a lot of media coverage and since AIF was involved with the organization and coordination of the event right from the beginning, AIF's mention was made several times. The fact that Roopashree belonged to a DE school only added to this.
As part of this workshop, various photo essays were made and the best ones were presented during the valedictory function, chaired by the Hon'ble Minister for School and Mass Education and presided over by the Principal Secretary, Vandana Kumari. It is heartening to note that as part of her address, Ms.Vandana Kumari mentioned that she first came to know of a "photo essay" concept only from AIF and was very impressed to see some of those made by students, during one of her meetings with the Orissa team. The fact that students are now in a position to make photo essays is a big development for Orissa's ICT program and DE program, in particular.
The workshop was almost like a DE ceremony since more than 50% of the participating schools were DE schools. Finally, 16 schools from out of this list will be chosen and divided into two clusters to work on an inter-cultural dialogue with their assigned respective clusters in UK. The program involves travel/exchange visits funded by the British Council & a selected group of people may get an opportunity to visit partner schools during next year as part of the pre-c
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