A four day residential review-cum-refresher, was held in Dhenkanal, for the DE Orissa team members. The following sessions were covered as part of the workshop:
Day 1 Session 1 2.30 pm - 6.30 pm
Session led by Akib Nihal Khan
Script preparation
Video shoot using a handy cam and a tripod
Video editing using Adobe Premiere Elements
Learning to use different options in Adobe Premiere Elements
Learnings: team members learnt the use of a video camera, it's various functions, transferring the footages to a computer and editing the same using a editing software - Adobe Premiere Elements
Session 2 7pm - 8.30 pm
What is effective integration of technology in teaching
What are the value additions that we have made as we have scaled up since our pilot intervention in 2004
How do we go from here in framing a road map for covering all the DIETs
Actionable point: road map for Director SCERT
Western Zone
Sambalpur / PMIASE and DIET / Jharsuguda, Kuchinda, Bargarh and Padampur DIs / all monitoring reports as of date / training reports DIET Sambalpur
Central Zone
Cuttack and Kendrapada / November report of RNIASE and DIET and monitoring reports of Cuttack schools / CI and DI Cuttack district
Southern Zone
All reports are up to date
Actionable point: all reports to be submitted by the 5th of January 2012 including the December one.
The day ended with a overview of the M&E issued which had been covered as part of the earlier trainings by Marina Yakhnis.
Day 2 Session 1 9.30 am - 2 pm
Marina Yakhnis
Review of end user problem and participatory evaluation
How to collect unbiased information
Direction of change review
Learnings: using a logic model, importance of ethics in monitoring and evaluation, how change happens and the importance of doing a process evaluation
Session 2 3pm - 9 pm
Revision of tools/ revising observation tools crafted in the last session
Tools covered: classroom observation, lab transaction and collaborative project
Methodology: team members worked in 5 groups of 3 each to come out with the components of an ideal school visit in terms of time allocated to various tasks. Based on this common elements from each of the group presentation were gleaned out and the components of an ideal school visit were listed.
Learnings: Ideal school visit plan
Follow up 2 days before the school visit. Telephonic discussion with the teachers and the HMs on what is the progress on the tasks assigned/work plan assignments since the last visit. Plan for the up coming visit with a focus on collaborative project to be done and preparations for the same in terms of teacher consent, topic selection, time to be allotted, period, materials, skeletal document etc.
Scenario 1
Discussion with the HM on the days activities - 10 minutes
Collaborative project - 80/120 minutes which includes a discussion with the concerned teacher on last minute preparations
Execution using activities, technology tools like computers, charts, black board and chalk - making the process as participatory as possible
Presentation by students and their feed back / video shoot of the same if possible
A PowerPoint presentation on the collaborative project by the participating students within a week
Student projects
Documentation to be completed immediately after the project
Checking up the registers and providing on site support if time is available
Follow up on the days activities with the HM
Scenario 2 in case a collaborative project is not getting done
Discussion with the HM
Classroom observation - 45 minutes
Lesson plan using pen and paper - 30 minutes
Lab transaction - 60 minutes
Student projects - planning for the same in association with the teacher facilitators
On site support - 80 minutes
Checking registers
Updating the HM on the days activities
Day 3 Session 1 10am - 2 pm
Marina Yakhnis
Carry forward from the previous day - designing tools: class room observation, lab transaction, collaborative project and feed back forms
Methodology: groups / 2 groups
Practice and application
Output: Following tools designed by team members working in groups
Collaborative project check list
Classroom observation check list
Feedback form
Session 2 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Designing and presenting the lab transaction check list
Day 4 Session 1 10am- 12.30 pm
Finalisation of all observation tools as mentioned below:
Collaborative project
Lab transaction
Classroom observation
Feed back forms for training centres
Session 2 12.30pm - 2 pm
District wise presentations by team members
Session 3 2.45 pm- 5 pm
District update southern zone - Jyoti, Bhushan
FOSS - Geogebra - Santanu and Mohan
Session 4 5pm-5.30 pm
Plan for Q4 and discussion of Q3 activities
A two day review-cum-refresher was held in the same venue on the 26th and 27th of November. It basically focussed on a status review and Monitoring and Evaluation issues.
A two day review-cum-refresher was held in the same venue on the 26th and 27th of November. It basically focussed on a status review and Monitoring and Evaluation issues.
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