Sunday, January 29, 2012

Varanasi Govt. High School, Kashinagar

Date: 19th January, 2012
Name of the teacher: Routhe Dilip Kumar
Topic: DNA
Materials used: black board, charts, computer
·  Micro lesson plan available but I was not able to have a look because of power cut
·  Questions were posed to students which they answered confidently
·  Students did not pose questions, which should ideally have been the case
·  Students were divided into groups
[X]  Teacher had good knowledge of content but body language was wanting. Displayed a somewhat stiff attitude which I feel erected a barrier between the teacher and a student
Some of the problems from which the school suffers and which are acting as an impediment to the program are as follows:
·  Non-functional computers - 2 of them which needs to be formatted
·  Frequent power cuts
[X]  Non-cooperative HM who does not understand the objectives of the program and seems to discourage teachers from attending training sessions and implement their respective work plans
[ ]  Critical Remarks
[X]  Preparatory plan was missing as I gave the teachers a days notice
[X]  Hard spots were addressed but the teacher could not come down to the level of the students while doing the same. Although he had a very good knowledge of the content, he could not come down to the level of the students, while delivering the same
[X]  Pedagogic technique - ABL. Teacher was not able to make the students think and did not give time for the same. He went a little fast
[X]  Although the students were posed questions, the transaction was more of a preaching rather than that of facilitating
[X]  Group formation, demonstration was done, but there was no clear role allocation amongst the group members
[X]  Project execution: Most of the steps were followed

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